Terms & Conditions
In early development.
Site not yet launched
Terms and conditions (“Terms”) are in development for this website and adapting IGO products within the ability to protect the creator and creation from potential legal exposure.
IGO is in USPTO (trademark office) review
In general, these are insights into the IGO book and concept appeal:
Drive traffic to links, articles, explainers and website to promote book sales, series/product related launches and events.
Key IGO and other Concepts & Terms explained to customers
Retention of right to IGO trademark and change offering
Warranties & responsibility for services and products
Ownership of intellectual property, copyrights and logos
Right to offer items, sign-ups & suspend or cancel member account
Limitation of liability
Right to change and modify Terms
Preference of law and dispute resolution
Contact info
The IGO concept, terms, explanations and information provided herein are only general explanations, information and book cover, etc displays as examples only. You should not rely on this idea of IGO or information about it as mental health or legal advice or see as recommendations regarding what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek professional help in any regard to your own physical and mental health considerations. We do not give any advice in any regard to your emotional and mental health. This site is to help you understand and to assist you in education and presentation of the idea of IGO as your mind's own creation.