(open to publisher direction & section suggestions)
Chapter 1: Selfie of the Mind Projection
Born as IGO? The “Who am I” Question
Understanding IGO & its Complexities
How is Identity Formed
Self-knowledge (in psychology)
Self-image concepts and schemas
Factors that Influence IGO-Identity
Ways to Strengthen Your IGO Sense of Self
Chapter 2: Not Your Ego Eggo
IGO vs EGO (both explained)
Your TWA & BIDECK thought filters
What is “I” Awareness? TIE attention technique
Neural basis of self / Self-categorization theory
Chapter 3: Manufactured Me (Identity Processes)
Self-perception theory
Woke Selfie-awareness
Mind mirror reflection
U-Being self-consciousness
Chapter 4: IGO Value judgment
Self-esteem in the IGO picture
Tests of Life Revealed
Transposing a true and false self
What is Ultra-Being about?
Chapter 5: ‘Who Am I’ Really? How to Find Your Sense of True Self
How to become a better person and deal with challenges and difficulties.
"Sense of Self" coming to light as full potential. (IGO exercises included)
Consult Your Past & Refine Your Future
Differentiation & How to Find Meaning
What Do You Want? Self Assessments
Identity Your Inner Power & Mute the Inner Critic
Value Relationships & Appreciate More
Chapter 6: Interpersonal IGO
IGO in Action (persona projection plus)
Chapter 7: Socialized Self
Personal identity (philosophy)
Identity (social science)
Collective allusions & belonging
Chapter 8: Virtual IGO identity
Social identity theory
In-group and out-group
Ideals of IGOism
Chapter 9: Politics of IGO
Identity politics / the danger of a corrupted IGO
Experience Exercises: Practices of IGO realization, etc
“Everyone has a theory of human nature. Everyone has to anticipate the behavior of others, and that means we all need theories about what makes people tick. A tacit theory of human nature —that behavior is caused by thoughts and feelings— is embedded in the very way we think about people. We fill out this theory by introspecting on our own minds and assuming that our fellows are like ourselves, and by watching people's behavior and filing away generalizations. We absorb still other ideas from our intellectual climate: from the expertise of authorities and the conventional wisdom of the day”.
- Steven Pinker (MIT professor)
What is the IGO? IGO reveals qualities found in the conception of self that includes our beliefs, character, structure of engagement in the world, acting out of personality traits, appearance, and/or expressions that describe oneself as a person or a group member. Chapter 1 explains how IGO identity emerges during childhood as children start to comprehend identity, and I will show how it remains a consistent aspect throughout their maturation and different stages of life.
IDentity> (stands for) Internal Dialogue what we unconsciously say to ourselves about ourselves that conforms with our perception of reality and also confirms our self-conception. IGO identity is shaped by social and cultural factors and how others perceive and acknowledge one's internal characteristics. The etymology of the term "identity" from the Latin noun "identitas" essentially emphasizes an individual's mental image of themselves and their "sameness with others." [Websters]
IGO identity encompasses various aspects of how each of us sees ourselves in roles such as occupation, religious, national, ethnic or racial, gender, educational, generational, and political identities, among others. That projection informs an ongoing picture of how we view the IGO.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| to read about the academic paper IGO vs EGO - click here!
Chapter 2: Not Your Ego
IGO vs EGO (my theories explained)
Your TWA & BIDECK thought filters
Neural basis of self / Self-categorization theory
The IGO identity is distinct from the EGO (I have a complete paper on this idea) as we all know what the word ego is. IGO's meaning is more than presumed. IGO serves multiple functions, hence by “seeing ourselves” making this a unique aspect of self-perception, the IGO acts as a "self-regulatory structure" that provides meaning, direction, and a sense of self-control. It fosters internal harmony and serves as a behavioral compass, enabling indiv/iduals to orient themselves towards the future and establish long-term goals.[ref] As an active process, IGO profoundly has a huge influence on an individual's capacity to fit and manage adapting to life events and affairs in order to achieve a state of well-being.[r] However, it is important to note that identity often first originates from traits or attributes that individuals may have little or no control over, such as their family background or ethnicity.[r]
In any regard, IGO represents what we see of ourselves and it’s all in our own mind!
(money-votional wall posters) lol
Chapter 3: Manufactured Me (Identity Processes)
Here goes my IGO-perception analysis
IGO formation (the nature of)
What is true “I” Awareness? (sh*t this will get you!)
Mind mirror reflection
IGO profiles (and questions!)
Being self-consciousness
In sociology, emphasis is placed on collective identity, in which an individual's identity is strongly associated with role-behavior or the collection of group memberships that define them. We all desire the company of others and picture ourselves in group activities as imagined in the IGO.
In psychology, the term "identity" is most commonly used to describe personal identity, or the distinctive qualities or traits that make an individual unique. Identities are strongly associated with self-concept, self-image (one's mental model of oneself), self-esteem, and individuality.
Although one can imagine various scenarios for how the IGO can act out or exist in our dreams and fantasies, it is your IGO to do with. However, in general individuals' identities are situated, but also contextual, situationally adaptive and changing. Despite their fluid character, identities often feel as if they are stable ubiquitous categories defining an individual, because of this IGO grounding is a sense of personal identity (the sense of being a continuous and persistent self).
Chapter 4: IGO Value judgment
Self-images in the IGO picture
How to feel more worthy & confident
Tests of Life Revealed (this & that)
Transposing a true and false self
What is Ultra-Being about?
Self-image is the mental IGO picture, generally of a kind that is quite resistant to change, that depicts not only details that are potentially available to an objective investigation by others (height, weight, hair color, etc.), but also items that have been learned by persons about themselves, either from personal experiences or by internalizing the judgments of others.
IGO formation may consist of six types of self-image construction resulting from>
how any person sees or regards their sense of self.
how others see the individual and will regard them.
how the individual perceives the individual seeing oneself.
how the individual perceives how others see the individual.
how others perceive how the individual sees oneself.
how others perceive how others see the individual.
These six types may or may not be an accurate representation of the person but they all are to some degree perceived and as such caricatures of IGO. All, some, or none may be true selves.
A more technical term for self-image informing the IGO that is commonly used by social and cognitive psychologists is self-schema. Like any schema, self-schemas store information and influence the way we think and remember. For example, research indicates that information which refers to the self is preferentially encoded and recalled in memory tests, a phenomenon known as "self-referential encoding".[1] Self-schemas are also considered the traits people use to define themselves, they draw information about the self into a coherent scheme.[2][3]
Poor self-image may be the result of accumulated criticisms that the person collected as a child which have led to damaging their own view of themselves. Children in particular are vulnerable to accepting negative judgments from authority figures because they have yet to develop competency in evaluating such comments. Also, adolescents are highly targeted to suffer from poor body-image issues. Individuals who already exhibit a low sense of self-worth may be vulnerable to develop social disorders which I may suggest can heal as IGO adjusted.
Negative self-image can arise from a variety of factors. A prominent factor, however, is personality type. Perfectionists, high achievers and those with "type A" personalities seem to be prone to having negative self-images.[full citation needed] This is because such people constantly set the standard for success high above a reasonable, attainable level. Thus, they are often IGO frustrated and constantly disappointed in this "failure." Another factor that contributes to a negative self-image is the fashion and beauty values of the society in which a person lives. In American society, a popular beauty ideal is slimness. Oftentimes, girls believe that they do not measure up to society's "thin" standards, which leads to their having a negative self-image.[5]
When people are in the position of evaluating others, self-image maintenance processes can lead to a more negative evaluation depending on the self-image of the evaluator. That is to say stereotyping and prejudice may be the way individuals maintain their self-image as being above or better as perceived in their IGOs. When individuals evaluate a member of a stereotyped group, they are less likely to ‘DIS’ evaluate that person negatively if their self-images had been bolstered through a self-affirmation procedure, and they are more likely to evaluate that person stereotypically if their self-images have been threatened by negative feedback.[6] Individuals may restore their self-esteem by derogating the member of a stereotyped group.[7]
Fein and Spencer (1997) conducted a study on Self-image Maintenance and Discriminatory Behavior. This study showed evidence that increased prejudice can result from a person's need to redeem a threatened positive perception of the self. The aim of the study was to test whether a particular threat to the self would instigate increased stereotyping and lead to actual discriminatory behavior or tendencies towards a member of a "negatively" stereotyped group.
The study began when Fein and Spencer gave participants an ostensible test of intelligence. Some of them received negative feedback, and others, positive and supportive feedback. In the second half of the experiment, the participants were asked to evaluate another person who either belonged to a negatively stereotyped group, or one who did not. The results of the experiment showed that the participants who had previously received unfavorable comments on their test, evaluated the target of the negatively stereotyped group in a more antagonistic or opposing way, than the participants who were given excellent reports on their intelligence test.
They suggested that the negative feedback on the test threatened the participants' self-image and they evaluated the target in a more negative manner, all in efforts to restore their own self-esteem.[Fein S, Spencer SJ. Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1997;73:31–44. [Google Scholar]
I’ll attach a PDF copy of the study in the final text as it is well worth reading.
A more recent study extends the studies of Fein and Spencer in which the principal behavior examined was avoidance behavior. In the study, Macrae et al. (2004) found that participants that had a salient negative stereotype of "skinheads" attached, physically placed themselves further from a skinhead target compared to those in which the stereotype was not as apparent. Therefore, greater salience of a negative stereotype led participants to show more stereotype- consistent behavior towards the target. [Macrae (1994). "Self-image Maintenance and Discriminatory Behavior". Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale: 153–171] Also see my &