Specimen Cover Example Only

Proposing book one introduction with follow-up focused themes to entice broader readership & buzz!
IGO is a new concept never before clearly defined nor explored. It has a game changing effect once considered and could be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in psychology and common culture as was Freud's psychoanalysis of the Ego, ID and SuperEgo. Imagine it!

With the Right IGO Pitch and Top Agent
- A lot Great Far-out Stuff Can Happen -
Sample Chapters & Explainer Pages
IGO is a concept whose time has come. Presented here-within is an explainer chapter outline and sample writings including TOC.

Self Help Book Market Stats, etc
The self-improvement market is expected to rise to $14.0 billion this year in 2025. Estimates of self-help books sold annually put the number at 10 million. How many mill will IGO sell?
About ME includes links to other sites
This is an invitation to meet me and find out what's been going on in my IGO. I have an interest in many areas and have worked with a number of celebrity types.
Click to MikeRatner.com
Sample writing for Meet Your Igo introducing IGOism click here Academic paper: the IGO vs EGO with references is found HERE
Self-Help Gurus, etc
The Curious
Major News Networks
Social Media, Guru Influencers
Buzz Sites, Conferences, etc
YouTube, Facebook, Insta, etc
Word of Mouth

IGO Promotion Dynamo: Pushed by Creatives, Pros and Mass Influencers
Yes, folks there is a future paradigm shift happening! Have you checked in with your IGO today? Can you see everybody talking about it -- what is it? Its your IGO>>>>
Integrated PR Planning
Media & PR
File Sharing
Courses and lecture series coming soon
What Others Have to Say

Dr. Ratner's ideas have been remarkable shifts for myself and countless others who have encountered his insight.
Mike's IGO idea is one of his best yet, the world better get ready for what is coming next
Connie Harris,
Bay Area Artist
"A positive state of mind is not merely good for you, it benefits everyone with whom you come into contact, literally changing the world."
- Dalai Lama
“We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves.”
Performer & Top Entertainer

So many places to bring and adopt IGO into being worldwide